NHS Health Check eBulletin

Operational update from Jamie Waterall

Jamie WaterallI want to start this operational update by thanking everyone who was involved in this year’s annual NHS Health Check conference. This was PHE’s second national conference, attended by over 430 delegates and this year took place in Leeds. I have to especially thank Dr Dawn Harper for agreeing to chair the conference and for her continued support for the NHS Health Check programme. I am also enormously grateful to all those people who presented on the day, your enthusiasm and willingness to share key learning with delegates is what makes these events possible.

Of those who completed their evaluation forms, 88% rated the conference as either excellent or good, which we are very pleased with. However, we have taken the time to read your evaluation forms and have already started to think about how we make next year’s event even better. If any of you have any thoughts on this do get in touch.

Thank you to all the teams who submitted a poster for our first poster awards held at this conference. I would like to congratulate Durham County Council on winning the competition. I have been fortunate to have visited the County Durham team and know that their approach to delivering the NHS Health Check programme is exceptional. Their focus on accessibility, quality and outcomes is admirable and I was pleased that delegates at our conference recognised their achievements.

All the presentations from the conference are on the NHS Health Check website. We filmed all of the main presentations and some of the workshops and these are also available on the website. We also filmed lots of other things happening at the conference including the poster competition and the marketplace, and captured your views about the programme and the day. We have made this into a short film which again you can see on the website.

Last year, our expert scientific and clinical advisory panel agreed to the Joint British Society 3 (JBS) risk guidelines being developed into a public facing tool, hosted on NHS Choices. The tool raises awareness of the key behavioural and physiological risk factors that increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, while also raising awareness of the NHS Health Check programme. Since launch we have had almost one million visits to the web page and 405,000 people have completed the full test. This has been a great partnership between PHE, JBS, British Heart Foundation and NHS Choices, and we will continue to update you on the findings and evaluation of this new tool.

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