Organogram, roles and responsibilities of the NHS Health Check and blood pressure team
The current NHS Health Check and blood pressure team can be viewed by clicking on this Organogram.
Roles and responsibilities:
Jamie Waterall, national lead
- Building and strengthening the leadership for the NHS Health Check and blood pressure programmes in the emerging political and place based landscape
- Providing and supporting system wide leadership for the blood pressure programme
- Aligning and strengthening PHE’s contribution to CVD prevention
Dr Matt Kearney, national clinical advisor
- Right Care – development of cardiovascular disease pathway to reduce variation in CVD
- National primary care network – lead for the development of acknowledged primary care leaders, through the facilitation of training development and leadership opportunities and activities
Katherine Thompson, deputy national lead
- ESCAP (expert scientific and clinical advisory panel) – supporting the panel and ensuring transparency of its work.
- StARS framework – support and training for local authorities to improve the quality of delivery
- Implementing the content review process
- NHS Health Check stocktake exercise
- Annual national conference
- National advisory committee
- Third sector engagement
- Blood pressure staff pilot
Slade Carter, deputy national lead
- Leading on PHE’s national data extraction of NHS Health Check data
- Aligning and strengthening agency-wide contributions on cardiovascular disease through the cardiovascular disease working group
- Stocktake of PHE’s contributions to CVD prevention in England
- Blood pressure system leadership board
- Information governance and data flow guidance
- National steering group
Catherine Lagord, data analyst
- Quarterly local authority data reports (official statistics standards).
- Health Profile and Longer Lives tools
- National data extraction
- Data intelligence and information governance sub-group
- Heart age tool
- Bridge between the chief knowledge officer and health and wellbeing for issues relating to information governance, modelling, dataset development and intelligence
Hannah Rees, senior support manager
- NHS Health Check Competence and training
- Local Implementer National Forum (LINF)
- One You and the NHS Health Check
- NHS Health Check and blood pressure content on NHS Choices
- Blood pressure Evidence into Action review
Kay Thomas, support manager
- Best Practice guidance
- NHS healthy workforce pilot
- Regional and centre leads meetings
- Comminssioners and providers website
- Lead for webinars
- Quarterly NHS Health Check data returns from local authorities and submission to ministers
Jennifer Ankrah, operational support administrator
- PA to national lead
- Administrative support for the NHS HC team
- E-bulletin publication
- Blood pressure resource hub
- Patient information leaflets